Sunday, December 21, 2014

If you really knew me

If you really knew me you'd know I swear more than I should,
If you really know me you'd know I get lost in the details of things, 
If you really knew me you'd know I hate the word chill, 
If you really knew me you'd know that I love almost nothing more in this life than the Jazz,
If you really knew me you'd know that sarcasm is the only way I can handle people
If you really knew me you'd know that I hate people before I get to know them and it's my least a favorite quality about myself,
If you really knew me you'd that I'm always looking to be better,
If you really knew me you'd know that the word "satisfied" doesn't mean anything to me,
If you really knew me you'd know that I'm probably the youngest in our grade,
If you really knew me you'd know that I let the little things bother me,
If you really knew me you'd know that I am the king of over analyzing every aspect of life,
If you really knew me you'd know I really appreciate Nelson's class even though I don't show it,
If you really knew me you'd know that I struggle to become inspired and stay inspired when I am,
If you really knew me you'd know I didn't put in as much effort as I would have liked too into this blog,
If you really knew me you'd know that I secretly wonder what is going on in everyone's lives and come up with scenarios based on their appearance,
If you really knew me you'd know I can handle rejection but not disrespect, 
If you really knew me you'd know that other people's opinions of me don't bother me
If you really knew me you'd know that deep down I am a pleased with who I am and excited for who I will become.  
I am Sam Shillingford


  1. Very nice Sam.

    Sorry the Jazz suck.

  2. Junior Jazz is good tho.

    Hi sam:):)

  3. If you really knew me you'd know that I secretly wonder what is going on in everyone's lives and come up with scenarios based on their appearance,

    I do that too!.. good or bad, who cares. Nice to meet you, Sam.
